
AI Using Python

AI Using Python

Are you looking for the best AI using Python training institute in Noida? In Noida, KASYFY provides AI using Python training classes with live projects taught by expert trainers. Our AI with Python training program in Noida is tailored to the needs of undergraduates, graduates, working professionals, and freelancers. We offer end-to-end AI training using the Python domain, as well as deeper dives into specific topics to help you build a winning career for any profile.

Why Should You Enroll in Our AI with Python Training in Noida?

We place a premium on innovative ideas, high-quality training, smart classes, 100% job assistance, and opening doors to new possibilities. Our Python Trainees-based AI is in use all over the country. We, at KASYFY India, offer the best AI using Python course in Noida with a 100% placement rate. Over 10,000 students have been trained in AI using Python by certified trainers in Noida.

What does Our Students will get During AI using Python
Training Course?

Get dedicated student support, career services, industry expert mentors, and real-world projects. Career Counselling. Timely Doubt Resolution. 50% Salary Hike, Career Counselling Case Studies + Tools + Certificate.

Why should you learn AI in Python?

It’s remained a popular choice among data scientists who use it to create Machine Learning applications or to perform other scientific computations. AI Python Training in Noida reduces development time by half thanks to its easy-to-read syntax and compilation feature, as well as concepts that are simple to grasp. With its built-in debugger, debugging any type of program is a breeze in this language. It has been ported to Java and.NET virtual machines and runs on every well-known platform, including Windows, Linux/Unix, and Mac OS.

Python is an open-source language that anyone can use for free, even for commercial products, thanks to its OSI-approved open source license. Python has emerged as the most popular AI programming language, with daily search trends indicating that it is the “Next Big Thing” and a must-have for AI professionals.

Possibilities for Employment Following Python Training:

In the market, there is a rapid increase in demand for this language. Organizations have been on the lookout for qualified web application developers. A candidate can easily gain some programming skills with AI Using Python Training in Delhi NCR, India. In this field, the carrier scope is enormous. A candidate may be hired as a Python Developer, Data Analyst, or a combination of the two.

Python is a crucial component of your resume. Other job titles that can be obtained by learning this include Research Analyst, Software Engineer, and Software Developer, among others. Being a successful developer or researcher necessitates extensive training. The good news is that after successfully completing the training, you will receive a KASYFY IT Certification. It provides a plethora of opportunities for aspirants.

What is the significance of KASYFY?

KASYFY has a dedicated team of highly experienced trainers who identify, evaluate, implement, and provide our students with the Best AI Using the Python Training Institute in Noida. Our trainers use a well-defined methodology to help you identify opportunities, develop the best solution, and execute it effectively. To provide the Best AI Using Python Training in Noida, we have the best trainers from all over the world who are highly qualified and the best in their field.

The Training & Placement cell is dedicated to assisting students in their efforts to find employment and internships in a variety of fields. The placement department collaborates with other departments to mould students to meet the needs of various industries. We have proactive and business-savvy Placement Cells that take pride in having a strong skilled network across a wide range of industries. It works closely with each student to ensure that they are placed with ostensibly multinational corporations within six months of graduation. In Noida, we provide the best AI Python Training.

  • Why Python
  • Application areas of python
  • Python implementations
  • Cpython
  • Jython
  • Ironpython
  • Pypy
  • Python versions
  • Installing python
  • Python interpreter architecture
  • Python byte code compiler
  • Python virtual machine(pvm)
  • Using interactive mode
  • Using script mode
    1. General text editor and command window
    2. Idle editor and idle shell
  • Understanding print() function
  • How to compile python program explicitly
  • Character set
  • Keywords
  • Comments
  • Variables
  • Literals
  • Operators
  • Reading input from console
  • Parsing string to int, float
  • If statement
  • If else statement
  • If elif statement
  • If elif else statement
  • Nested if statement
  • While loop
  • For loop
  • Nested loops
  • Pass, break and continue keywords
  • Int, float, complex, bool, nonetype
  • Str, list, tuple, range
  • Dict, set, frozenset
  • What is string
  • String representations
  • Unicode string
  • String functions, methods
  • String indexing and slicing
  • String formatting
  • Creating and accessing lists
  • Indexing and slicing lists
  • List methods
  • Nested lists
  • List comprehension
  • Creating tuple
  • Accessing tuple
  • Immutability of tuple
  • How to create a set
  • Iteration over sets
  • Python set methods
  • Python frozenset
  • Creating a dictionary
  • Dictionary methods
  • Accessing values from dictionary
  • Updating dictionary
  • Iterating dictionary
  • Dictionary comprehension
  • Defining a function
  • Calling a function
  • Types of functions
  • Function arguments
  • Positional arguments, keyword arguments
  • Default arguments, non-default arguments
  • Arbitrary arguments, keyword arbitrary arguments
  • Function return statement
  • Nested function
  • Function as argument
  • Function as return statement
  • Decorator function
  • Closure
  • Map(), filter(), reduce(), any() functions
  • Anonymous or lambda function
  • Why modules
  • Script v/s module
  • Importing module
  • Standard v/s third party modules
  • Why packages
  • Understanding pip utility
  • Introduction to file handling
  • File modes
  • Functions and methods related to file handling
  • Understanding with block
  • Procedural v/s object oriented programming
  • OOP principles
  • Defining a class & object creation
  • Object attributes
  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism
  • Difference between syntax errors and exceptions
  • Keywords used in exception handling
  • try, except, finally, raise, assert
  • Types of except blocks
  • Need of regular expressions
  • Re module
  • Functions /methods related to regex
  • Meta characters & special sequences
  • Introduction to tkinter programming
  • Tkinter widgets
  • Tk, label, Entry, Textbox, Button
  • Frame, messagebox, filedialogetc
  • Layout managers
  • Event handling
  • Displaying image
  • Multi-processing v/s Multi- threading
  • Need of threads
  • Creating child threads
  • Functions /methods related to threads
  • Thread synchronization and locking
  • Database Concepts
  • What is Database Package?
  • Understanding Data Storage
  • Relational Database (RDBMS) Concept
  • SQL basics
  • DML, DDL & DQL
  • DDL: create, alter, drop
  • SQL constraints:
  • Not null, unique,
  • Primary & foreign key, composite key
  • , default
  • DML: insert, update, delete and merge
  • DQL : select
  • Select distinct
  • SQL where
  • SQL operators
  • SQL like
  • SQL order by
  • SQL aliases
  • SQL views
  • SQL joins
  • Inner join
  • Left (outer) join
  • Right (outer) join
  • Full (outer) join
  • Mysql functions
  • String functions
  • Char_length
  • Concat
  • Lower
  • Reverse
  • Upper
  • Numeric functions
  • Max, min, sum
  • Avg, count, abs
  • Date functions
  • Curdate
  • Curtime
  • Now
  • Sample or population
  • Measures of central tendency
  • Arithmetic mean
  • Harmonic mean
  • Geometric mean
  • Mode
  • Quartile
  • First quartile
  • Second quartile(median)
  • Third quartile
  • Standard deviation
  • Introduction to probability
  • Conditional probability
  • Normal distribution
  • Uniform distribution
  • Exponential distribution
  • Right & left skewed distribution
  • Random distribution
  • Central limit theorem ●
  • Normality test
  • Mean test
  • T-test
  • Z-test
  • ANOVA test
  • Chi square test
  • Correlation and covariance
  • Difference between list and numpy array
  • Vector and matrix operations
  • Array indexing and slicing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Anybody with prior domain knowledge in respective fields can get into Python Full Stack.

Different payment options are available suiting your needs. We accept credit cards, debit cards cheque cash , netbanking, money wallets.

With tieup through our job consultancy firm, Kasyfy, we make sure each and every candidate in placed with a top tier firm.

With guaranteed results from last 17 Years, we make you stand out in the market with hands on knowledge and better understanding of current scenarios in the market, in turn helping your to automatically get placed with MNCs.

With approximate range between 2 to 3 months, there are more options like fast track training and online training options are also available. Fees is reasonable according to market and industry standards.

Training Highlights

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