Python is a powerful object-oriented programming language with a high level of abstraction. Python is a scripting language. Python interpreters for a variety of operating systems are available, allowing Python code to run on a wide range of platforms.
Python code can be packaged into standalone executable programs using third-party tools like Py2exe or Pyinstaller.
Due to its open-source nature, Django is a very popular framework. Django is a Python-based web framework that follows the MVC architectural pattern. The Django software foundation, an independent organization, maintains it. Many other frameworks, such as Pyramid, web2py, Flask, and others, aid developers in the creation and maintenance of complex applications. Pyjamas and IronPython can be used to create Ajax-based applications on the client-side.
- Course Curriculam
- What is Web?
- Web Features?
- W3C and W3C Members
- Introduction to What WG
- Introduction
- Parts in HTML Document
- Version Information
- Head Section
- Meta Information
- Favicons
- Body Section
- Anchors, Images
- Introduction
- Why HTML5?
- New Features and Groups
- Structure of HTML5 Document
- Power of HTML5 and Features
- Semantics and Block Level Elements
- HTML5 Forms
- HTML5 Multimedia
- HTML5 Graphics
- Introduction
- CSS Basics
- CSS Introduction
- CSS Syntax
- CSS Versions
- CSS Id & Class
- CSS Styling
- Styling Backgrounds
- Styling Text
- Styling Fonts
- CSS Borders
- Introduction
- CSS3 Modules
- Selectors
- Box Model
- Backgrounds and Borders
- Text Effects
- 2D/3D Transformations
- Core &Adanced Animations
- Multiple Column Layout
- User Interface
- What is Script? Types of Scripts?
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Comments and Types of Comments
- Popup Boxes
- Variables & Operators
- JavaScript Functions and Events
- Conditional Statements
- Looping Control Statement
- Types of Errors
- Exception Handling
- Java Script Objects
- Browser Objects
- Validations in JS
- Introduction to Python
- What is Python?
- History of Python
- Python Versions
- Features of Python
- How to Install Python
- Install Python with Diff IDEs
- Creating Your First Python Program
- Printing to the Screen
- Reading Keyboard Input
- Using Command Prompt and GUI or IDE
- Execute the Script
- Interactive Mode
- Script Mode
- Python Comments
- Working with Python in Unix/Linux/Windows/Mac/Android
- Python New IDEs
- PyCharm IDE
- How to Work on PyCharm
- PyCharm Components
- Debugging process in PyCharm
- SublimeText IDE
- What is PIP?
- What is Variable?
- Variables in Python
- Constants in Python
- Standard Data Types
- Operators and Operands
- Swap variables
- Type Conversion
- String Handling
- How to use “if condition” in conditional structures
- if statement (One-Way Decisions)
- if .. else statement (Two-way Decisions)
- How to use “else condition”
- if ..elif .. else statement (Multi-way)
- When “else condition” does not work
- How to use “elif” condition
- How to execute conditional statement with minimal code
- Nested IF Statement
- How to use “While Loop”
- How to use “For Loop”
- How to use For Loop for set of other things besides numbers
- Break statements in For Loop
- Continue statement in For Loop
- Enumerate function for For Loop
- Lists are mutable
- Getting to Lists
- List indices
- Traversing a list
- List operations
- List slices
- List methods
- Map, filter and reduce
- Advantages of Tuple over List
- Packing and Unpacking
- Comparing tuples
- Creating nested tuple
- Using tuples as keys in dictionaries
- Deleting Tuples
- Slicing of Tuple
- Tuple Membership Test
- How to create a set?
- Iteration Over Sets
- Python Set Methods
- Python Set Operations
- Union of sets
- Built-in Functions with Set
- Python Frozenset
- How to create a dictionary?
- Python Hashing?
- Python Dictionary Methods
- Copying dictionary
- Updating Dictionary
- Delete Keys from the dictionary
- Dictionary items() Method
- Sorting the Dictionary
- Python Dictionary in-built Functions
- What is a Function?
- How to define and call a function in Python
- Types of Functions
- Significance of Indentation (Space) in Python
- How Function Return Value?
- Types of Arguments in Functions
- Default Arguments
- Non-Default Arguments
- Keyword Arguments
- Non-keyword Arguments
- Arbitrary Arguments
- Rules to define a function in Python
- Various Forms of Function Arguments
- Scope and Lifetime of variables
- Anonymous Functions/Lambda functions
- Map(), filter(), reduce() functions
What is a Docstring? - Python Iterator,Generator,Closer and Decorator
- Python Exception Handling
- Python Errors
- Common RunTime Errors in PYTHON
- Abnormal termination
- Chain of importance Of Exception
- Exception Handling
- Try … Except
- Try ..Except .. else
- Try … finally
- Introduction to OOPs Programming
- Object Oriented Programming System
- OOPS Principles
- Basic concept of Object and Classes
- Access Modifiers
- How to define Python classes
- Self-variable in python
- What is Inheritance? Types of Inheritance?
- How Inheritance works?
- What is Regular Expression?
- Regular Expression Syntax
- Understanding Regular Expressions
- Regular Expression Patterns
- Literal characters
- What is Responsive Web Designing?
- Typography Features
- Bootstrap Tables, Buttons, Dropdowns, Navbars
- Bootstrap Images
- Bootstrap Responsive utilities
- Bootstrap Glyph icons
- What is a Grid?
- What is Bootstrap Grid System?
- Working of Bootstrap Grid System
- Media Queries
- Responsive column resets
- Offset columns
- Nested columns
- What is a Framework
- Introduction to Django
- Django – Design Philosophies
- History of Django
- Why django and Features
- Environment setup
- Web Server
- MVC Architecture vs MVT Architecture
- Django MVC – MVT Pattern
- Creating the first Project
- Integrating the Project to sublime text
- The Project Structure
- Running the server
- Solving the issues and Migrations
- Database Setup
- Setting Up Your Project
- What Django Follows
- Structure of django framework
- Model Layer
- What are models
- Model fields
- Querysets
- Starting the Admin Interface
- Migrations
- Simple View
- Basic view(displaying hello world)
- Functional views, class based views
- Organizing Your URLs
- Role of urls in djnago
- Working urls
- Forms
- Sending Parameters to Views
- Templates layer
- The Render Function
- Role of template layer in django
- Filters,Tags, Tag if, Tag for, Block and Extend Tags
- Comment Tag, Usage of templates
- Extending base template
- Creating a Model
- Manipulating Data (CRUD)
- Linking Models
- Django – Page Redirection
- Sending a Simple E-mail
- Sending Multiple Mails with send_mass_mail
- Sending HTML E-mail
- Sending HTML E-mail with Attachments
- Using Form in a View
- Usage of forms
- Crud operations using forms
- Crispy forms in django
- Uploading an Image
- Django – Apache Setup
- Django – Sessions
- Django – Comments
- Creating Super User
- Using admin in Django
- Adding models to admin
- Adding model objects using admin
- Displaying in cmd using querysets
- Admin interface Customization
- Creating a serializer.
- Working with API views.
- Filtering back ends.
- Enabling pagination.
- Executing CRUD operations.
- Managing serializer fields.
- Testing API views.
- Loading css files into templates
- Loading js files into templates
- Uploading image using models
- User authentication
- BLOGs Forums
- Ecommerce Web Site
- ToDo
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