
Advanced .net MVC with Angular

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  • Advanced .net MVC with Angular

Are you looking for a good MVC training institute in Noida or Greater Noida? In Noida, KASYFY offers MVC training sessions with actual projects taught by a professional teacher. Our training curriculum is tailored to the needs of undergrads, graduates, working professionals, and freelancers. We offer end-to-end.NET Domain training, as well as deeper dives into specific topics, to help you build a successful career for any profile.

What is the difference between MVC and Advance .Net?

DOT NET is one of the most popular courses right now. This expertise is already held by a large number of professionals on the market. You may set yourself apart and above all of them by taking an Advanced.net training course from a recognized and professional Advanced.net training facility like KASYFY.

KASYFY adds a little something more to your CV by doing things a bit differently. Microsoft Advanced.NET Training in 3 Months is the Best MVC Training Course in Noida offered by KASYFY. In just three months, this course will make you technically, practically, and fundamentally strong in this technology, as well as provide you with real-world project experience.

Learning at KASYFY is a very enjoyable experience because students get hands-on experience with all concepts, the contents are well-structured to meet industry requirements and cover all verticals and parallels in technology, and students get live project experience under the guidance of industry experts.

The knowledgeable professors are aware of students’ varying levels of comprehension and give one-on-one attention to each student. KASYFY strives to make sure that every student gets the most out of the course. Last but not least, a KASYFY certification might provide you with a competitive advantage over the competition.

How Are The KASYFY Trainers?

A future training official clearance for taken people to gain new skills and advance their careers in a short amount of time from anywhere at any time. The certificate combines our MVC Training Courses and provides you with proof that can help you become a better MVC developer.

The opportunity to work with an expert engineer is one of the most appealing aspects of classroom instruction. It’s crucial to remember that application development is nothing more than a perfect blend of science and imagination. It is not uncommon for people to have a creative streak but be unable to channel it properly.

This is where you’ll need the ideal trainer who can guide you in the proper direction. The MVC Training Center in Noida will provide you with the assistance of a professional who will help you mold your improvement style and identify the blunders that you are likely to make throughout the classroom training session.

The KASYFY MVC Training Institute in Noida will teach you all you need to know about the platform and programming. This course will teach you how to use MVC to demonstrate your creativity to the rest of the world. The architecture of MVC, components and numerous resources will be discussed in this training.

MVC Training in Delhi NCR is now the most popular operating system for smartphone-supporting devices from a wide range of manufacturers, making it a truly global phenomenon. Enrolling in this course and learning the skill of App Development will catapult you into the big leagues, allowing you to command large wages and advance your career in one of the most interesting technological platforms accessible today.

What are the Benefits of MVC.NET Training Certification?

This MVC Training Center was created to pass the Microsoft ASP.Net Exam. The program content is aligned with the certification test, ensuring that you pass the exam with ease and land the best positions in the world’s top MNCs.

As part of this training program, you will be working on real-time live projects and tasks that have significant real-world repercussions, allowing you to easily advance your career.

There will be a test after this course that accurately represents the kind of questions presented in the certification exam and will help you score higher on the exam. The KASYFY Completion Certificate will be given out when the project is completed and the exam is passed. In India, the KASYFY certification is widely accepted.

KASYFY has a devoted team of highly experienced teachers that find, assess, execute, and present our students with the Best MVC Training Institute in Noida. Our trainers use a well-defined technique to help you recognize an opportunity, design the best solution and execute it effectively.

To deliver the Greatest MVC Training in Noida, we have the best trainers from all over the world who are highly qualified and the best in their profession. The Training & Placement cell is dedicated to assisting students in their endeavors to find employment and internships in a variety of fields.

Why Should You Attend MVC Training in Noida/Greater Noida With KASYFY?

How does KASYFY help you find the right job?

  • Introduction to LINQ
  • What is LINQ
  • Need of LINQ
  • How LINQ Works
  • Using Linq via Method based and Query based syntax
  • Standard Linq Operators
  • Sorting Data
  • Filtering Data
  • Joining Data
  • Partitioning Data
  • Linq Provider
  • LINQ to Object
  • LINQ to XML
  • LINQ to SQL
  • Understanding Lazy Loading and Eager Loading
  • Difference B/w Lazy and Eager Loading
  • Using Stored Procedure in LINQ
  • Working with Single table Inheritance
  • Using of SQLMetal
  • Overview of the Entity Framework
  • Difference b/w Linq to Sql and Entity Framework
  • Using Schema First Approach
  • Using Model First Aproach
  • Using Code First Aproach
  • Using Stored Procedure in Code First Approach
  • Using Sql Profiler with Stored Procedure
  • Creating/Managing one to many and many to one relations
  • Using Table, Column and Key attributes
  • Associations & Foreign Keys
  • What is Software Development Life Cycle?
  • Phases of a SDLC
  • Project initiation and planning
  • Feasibility study
  • System design
  • Coding
  • Testing
  • Implementation
  • Maintenance
  • Objective of Project
  • DFD
  • UML Diagram
  • Class Diagram
  • ER Diagram
  • Database Table Structure
  • Database Design
  • DDL
  • DML
  • Stored Procedure
  • Database Security
  • IntroductionToWCF
  • What is Distributed Application
  • What is WCF
  • Evaluation of WCF
  • Understanding WCF Architecture
  • WCF comparison with WebServices
  • WCF comparison with Remoting
  • Benefits of WCF Service
  • Understanding WCF Templates
  • WCF Service Library
  • WCF Service Application
  • WCF Workflow Service Application
  • What is EndPoint in WCF
  • End points seetings in app. Config & web.config file
  • ServiceMetaData HTTP_Get enabled
  • IMetaDataExchange Contract/Endpoint for Http and Tcp
  • What is Address-Binding-Contract (ABC)
  • What is Address
  • Understanding improtance of address
  • Difference between HTTP & HTTPS address
  • Use of TCP and MSMQ address
  • What is Named Pipe address
  • Understanding IIS address
  • Understanding WCF Bindings
  • Types of bindings
  • Basic Binding
  • Web Binding
  • WS Binding
  • WS Dual Binding
  • TCP Binding
  • IPC Binding
  • MSMQ Binding
  • What is the of contract
  • Types of Contract
  • Service Contract
  • Operation Contract
  • Data Contract
  • Fault Contract
  • Message Contract
  • Hosting WCF Service in llS/ASP.NET Development Server
  • Hosting WCF Service in Managed Application(Self Hosting)
  • Hosting WCF Service in Window Service
  • WCF service durable service
  • Use of WCF service Request-Replay
  • Use of WCF service One-Way
  • Use of WCF Callback service
  • Single(Singleton)
  • PerCall
  • PerSession
  • Single
  • Multiple
  • Reentrant
  • Understand Restful service in WCF
  • Use of Restful service
  • How to make Restful service in WCF
  • Use of XML/JSON in Restful service
  • Understanding security terms
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Message security
  • Transport security
  • TransportWithMessage security
  • Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
  • Brief history of ASP.NET MVC
  • Understanding ASP.NET MVC Design Pattern
  • Setup & Installation process
  • Compare ASP.Net Web Forms with ASP.NET MVC
  • Life cycle of ASP.NET MVC
  • Key Benefits of ASP.NET MVC
  • Understanding ASP.NET MVC project templates
  • What is View Engine
  • Role of View Engine
  • Types of View Engine
  • Compare ASP View & Razor View Engine
  • Understanding Razor syntax
  • Accessing model data in Razor views
  • Working with Razor Layouts
  • Understanding Razor Expressions
  • What is MVC
  • Understanding scaffolding template
  • Scaffolding template with Entity Framework
  • Defining a data model
  • Understanding Model Binding
  • Working with explicit model binding
  • Responding to the edit post request
  • Purpose of Views
  • Understanding View Conventions
  • Types of View
  • Understanding ViewBag, TempData,ViewData and ViewDataDictionary
  • Creating strongly-typed views
  • Adding a View
  • Using Razor syntax in View
  • Code Block in View
  • Working with Partial View
  • Introduction of Layout/Master page
  • Working with Layout
  • What is the Controller
  • Use of Controller
  • What is Action and Action Results
  • Action Filters
  • Authorize Filters
  • Result Filters
  • Built In Filters
  • Processing Input and Output Action
  • Session and application state
  • Using the Authorize Attribute to Login
  • Securing Controller Action
  • Authorize Attribute with Forms Authentication
  • Windows Authentication
  • Using Role wise Login
  • Managing users and roles
  • Configuring OAuth And OpenID Providers
  • Login via OAuth and OpenID
  • Security Implications of External Logins
  • Introducing URL Routing
  • Routing Approaches
  • Defining Attribute and Traditional Routes
  • Understanding Route Parameters
  • A Details look at URL Generation
  • Creating and Registering a Simple Route
  • Ambient Route Values
  • Using Static URL Segments
  • Constraining Routes
  • Bypassing the Routing System
  • Using Form Helper Methods
  • The Action and the Methods
  • Using GET or POST Method
  • Using Template Helper Methods
  • Using Model Metadata
  • Making Helpers Do your Bidding Inside HTML Helpers
  • Setting up the Edit Forms
  • Using Strongly Typed Helpers
  • Helpers and Model Metadata
  • Helpers and Model State
  • Html.Hidden
  • Html.Password
  • Html. RadioButton
  • Html.CheckBox
  • Html.DropDownList
  • Html.Partial and Html.Render Partial
  • Html.Action and Html.RenderAction
  • Using Validation Annotations
  • Custom Error Messages and Localization
  • Using Range validator Attribute
  • Regular Expression validator Attribute
  • Required validator Attribute
  • String Length validator Attribute
  • Custom Validation and Annotation
  • Using display format
  • View scaffold templates
  • Model Validation
  • Global filters
  • Model binding
  • Bundling and Display Modes
  • Overview of JQuery
  • Unobtrusive Ajax and the ‘this’ context
  • Using Ajax action links
  • Using Ajax Helpers
  • Autocomplete with jQuery UI
  • JSON & Client-Side Template
  • Bootstrap Plug-in
  • Overview of the ASP.NET Web API
  • Building servers and clients
  • Adding routes to your web API
  • Incoming Action Parameters
  • Validation
  • Understanding IHttpController
  • Enabling Dependency Injection
  • Session Management in Web API
  • Securing a Web API
  • Single and Multiple Registered Services in API
  • Working with Project
  • Programming Language: C# (MVC Razor)
  • Designing Tools
  • Using CSS
  • Using Ajax
  • Using JavaScript
  • Introduction to WPF
  • Understanding WPF Controls
  • Understanding XAML
  • Creating Custom Controls
  • Using Panels/Layout
  • Introduction to WPF Layout
  • StackPanel
  • Grid Panel
  • Dock Panel
  • Canvas Panel
  • Border
  • Wrap Panel
  • Data Binding
  • Types of Data Binding
  • Debug DataBinding Issues
  • Data Validation Rules
  • Value Converters
  • Data Viewing, Sorting and Filtering
  • Using Triggers
  • Styling
  • Themes
  • Styles
  • 2D & 3D Graphics
  • Draw exactly on physical device pixels
  • Geometry Transformer
  • How to get a Bitmap from a Visual
  • DrawRoundedRectangle
  • Multithreading
  • Working with Slides & Animations
  • Compiling TypeScript
  • Why Use TypeScript
  • Let and Const
  • Lambda/Arrow Functions
  • Basic Types
  • Type Assertion
  • Type Definitions
  • Classes and Interfaces
  • Constructor
  • Node / NPM
  • Angular CLI
  • Application File Structure
  • Code Editors
  • What is Angular?
  • Advantages Of Angular
  • Disadvantages Of Angular
  • Key Features of Angular
  • Comparison Between Angular with Other Frameworks.
  • Why use Modules
  • NgModule
  • Declarations
  • Providers
  • Imports
  • Bootstrapping
  • The Core Module
  • Shared Modules
  • LazyLoading
  • Introduction to Components
  • Component Architecture Patterns
  • Decorator Metadata
  • State &Behaviour
  • Inline vs External
  • Template Expressions
  • Data Bindings
  • *ngIf else, *ngFor and *ngSwitch
  • Built-in Structural Directives
  • Built-in Attribute Directives
  • Create your own Structural Directive
  • Create your own Attribute Directive
  • Built-in Pipes
  • Custom Pipes
  • Introduction to Services
  • Building a Service
  • Component LifeCycle
  • All lifecycle Hooks
  • The Component Router
  • Defining Routes
  • Navigation
  • Route Params
  • Child Routes
  • Primary Route and Named Route
  • Multiple routerOutlet

Route Guard

  • Introduction to Reactive forms
  • FormGroup&FormControl
  • Validators
  • Custom Validation
  • Introduction to Async
  • Observables
  • Observables vs Promice
  • HTTP Request / Response
  • @Input()
  • @Output()
  • @ViewChild()
  • @ViewChildren
  • ()
  • Shared Service
  • Introduction to Testing
  • Unit Testing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Anybody with prior domain knowledge in respective fields can get into advanced .net course.

Different payment options are available suiting your needs. We accept credit cards, debit cards cheque cash , netbanking, money wallets.

With tieup through our job consultancy firm, Kasyfy, we make sure each and every candidate in placed with a top tier firm.

With guaranteed results from last 17 Years, we make you stand out in the market with hands on knowledge and better understanding of current scenarios in the market, in turn helping your to automatically get placed with MNCs.

With approximate range between 2 to 3 months, there are more options like fast track training and online training options are also available. Fees is reasonable according to market and industry standards.

Training Highlights

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