

Mean Stack

Are you looking for the best Online Mean Stack training institute in Noida? Mean Stack training programs with actual projects are offered by KASYFY in Noida. Our Mean Stack training program in Noida is tailored to meet the needs of undergraduates, graduates, working professionals, and freelancers. We provide end-to-end training on the Mean Stack Domain, as well as deeper dives into how to build a great career for any profile.

Why Should You Enroll in Our Noida / Greater Noida Mean Stack Training Course?

We place a premium on innovative concepts, high-quality training, smart classes, 100% employment help, and opening doors to new possibilities. Our Mean Stack Trainees may be found all throughout the country. We, at KASYFY India, provide the No. 1 Mean Stack Course in Noida with a 100% placement rate. Over 10,000 students have been trained in the Mean Stack Course by certified trainers in Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, and Faridabad.

What can our Mean Stack Training Course students expect?

All students have access to dedicated student help, career services, industry expert mentors, and real-world projects. Guidance on choosing a career route. Getting rid of uncertainties as soon as possible. Case Studies, Tools, and a Certificate in Career Counseling, as well as a 50% rise in compensation.

Web Mean Stack Training in Noida is a combination of software products and programming languages that help in the production of a wide range of online and mobile apps in software development. Many companies are seeking Mean Stack Training to aid in the development of dynamic software solutions.

Course Objectives

  • Basic JavaScript
  • DOM and BOM
  • Intervals and Objects
  • Prototype ,Hoisting and Closure
  • Let , Const , Arrow , Class and Inheritance
  • Map, Filter , Reduce , Template Literals
  • ForEach, for-in, for-of loop.
  • Why Typescript
  • Basic Types
  • Class and Interfaces
  • Modules

Real-time environmental setup

  • What is Angular
  • What is SPA
  • Comparison between different versions
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Key features
  • Node /NPM
  • Angular CLI
  • Setup Project
  • Directory Structure
  • Code Editors
  • How Angular Application Boot
  • What is Module
  • Decorator
  • NgModule
  • Core Module
  • Bootstrapping
  • Shared Modules
  • Introduction to Components
  • Component Architecture Patterns
  • Metadata
  • State and Behaviors
  • Template Expression or Interpolation
  • Data Binding (Event ,Property , Two Way)
  • *ngIf , *ngFor , *ngSwicth
  • Built-in Structural and Attributes Directive
  • Built-in Pipes
  • Custom Pipes
  • Routes , RouterModule , routerLink
  • Child Routing
  • Params
  • Guards
  • Structured Directives
  • Attribute Directives
  • Template Driven
  • Reactive Form
  • Custom Validators
  • Observable vs Promise
  • Network Call
  • HTTP Request | Response
  • Introduction to Services
  • Building a Service
  • Dependency Injections
  • Injectors and Providers
  • Component LifeCycle
  • All LifeCycle Hooks
  • Local Storage
  • Session Storage
  • Cookies
  • @Input()
  • @Output() with EventEmitter
  • @Viewchid()
  • Shared Service
  • Subject
  • Introduction to Server-Side Rendering
  • Angular Universal
  • Introduction to Testing
  • Unit Testing with Karma and Jasmine
  • Angular Material
  • PrimeNG
  • Social Login
  • Pagination
  • Search
  • Filter
  • JWT Token
  • File Upload
  • Many More
  • What is node.js
  • A word on event loop
  • Event driven architecture
  • Blocking vs non-blocking code
  • Node Process Model
  • Setup node.js
  • Node REPL
  • Debugging node.js app
  • Understanding exports and require
  • Creating modules
  • Importing modules
  • Quick tour on NPM
  • Installing 3rd party modules
  • Significance of Events
  • Event Emitter class
  • Emitting and listening to events
  • Types of streams
  • Working with streams
  • Composing streams using pipe
  • Process object
  • Handling exceptions at process level
  • Listening to process events
  • Working with file system using fs module
  • Creating, Copying, Deleting files
  • Creating, Copying, Deleting directories
  • Watching for file changes
  • Building a Web Server
  • HTTP Request Methods, Headers
  • Response Codes and Headers
  • Building a Web Server
  • HTTP Request Methods, Headers
  • Response Codes and Headers
  • Serving static files with express
  • Express application generator
  • Route Methods
  • Route Paths
  • Parameterized Routes
  • Route Handlers
  • Express Router
  • Types of middleware
  • Application
  • Router
  • Error
  • Built-in
  • Third-party
  • Error middleware
  • Body parser, cors , cookie parser, session management
  • What are template engines
  • EJS
  • Jade
  • Handlebars
  • Authentication
  • JWT
  • Securing routes
  • Debugging in Express
  • Realtime programming with Socket.io
  • Installing MongoDB
  • The current SQL/NoSQL landscape
  • Document-oriented vs. other types of storage
  • Mongo’s featureset
  • Common use-cases
  • MongoDB databases
  • MongoDB Collections
  • MongoDB Documents
  • Creating documents
  • insert()
  • update()
  • save()
  • Querying documents
  • find()
  • Working with equality
  • Query operators
  • Building complex queries
  • Updating documents
  • Deleting documents
  • Limit
  • Order By
  • Word on ORM/ODM
  • Installing mongoose
  • Connecting to MongoDB from mongoose
  • Understanding mongoose schemas and datatypes
  • Working with Models
  • Using modifiers in schema
  • Using virtual fields
  • Optimizing query performance by enabling indexes
  • Build Application
  • Deploy in Heroku

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Anybody with prior domain knowledge in respective fields can get into Mean.

Different payment options are available suiting your needs. We accept credit cards, debit cards cheque cash , netbanking, money wallets.

With tieup through our job consultancy firm, Kasyfy, we make sure each and every candidate in placed with a top tier firm.

With guaranteed results from last 17 Years, we make you stand out in the market with hands on knowledge and better understanding of current scenarios in the market, in turn helping your to automatically get placed with MNCs.

With approximate range between 2 to 3 months, there are more options like fast track training and online training options are also available. Fees is reasonable according to market and industry standards.

Training Highlights

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