
Appium Testing

Appium Testing

APPIUM is an open-source mobile application UI testing framework that is freely available. Appium offers automated tests on both physical devices and emulators or simulators and allows native, hybrid, and web application testing. It supports cross-platform application testing, which means that a single API may be used to run test scripts on both Android and iOS platforms.

It is not reliant on the operating system of mobile devices. Because APPIUM provides a framework or wrapper that converts Selenium Webdriver commands into UIAutomation (iOS) or UIAutomator (Android) commands based on the device type, rather than any OS type. Java, Objective-C, JavaScript with node.js, PHP, Ruby, Python, C#, and other languages having Selenium client libraries are all supported by Appium.

Software testing is a method of calculating the functionality of a software application to determine if the generated software meets the set criteria and identifying faults so that the product is defect-free to produce a high-quality product.

  • Appium Feature
  • Appium Internal Architecture.
  • Installing Android Studio and java.
  • Configuration System variable for both android SDK.
  • Configuring virtual mobile devices for running test.
  • Downloding Node.js and install via npm.
  • Importance Information on appium version.
  • configuring appium java client jars for frontend execution.
  • Step by Step Installation.
  • Android application download for practice.
  • What are Desired Capablities? How to talk to Appium Server.
  • Invoking Android Driver – Creating base program.
  • Execution of Appium first program on mobile Native Application.
  • UIAutomator tool usage – Inspection of elements..
  • Automation application UI using xpath and text attribute.
  • Appium API’s for UI Interaction with ID’s and Class Name.
  • Handling Multiple similar object of Application with index.
  • AndroidUI Automator usage in Indentifying object of application.
  • Touch action in Appium.
  • Tapping and longpress event.
  • Touch action sequence execution.
  • Strategy for Automating swipping event .
  • Demo on Swiping the clock .
  • How to Automate Scrolling?
  • Drag and Drop on native Application with Appium.
  • Automating Android Key event with Appium.
  • Miscelleanous key event handing with Appium.
  • Invoking Application with package activity.
  • Example on package name and activity invoking application.
  • Automation on real device.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Anybody with prior domain knowledge in respective fields can get into Appium Testing training.

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With approximate range between 2 to 3 months, there are more options like fast track training and online training options are also available. Fees is reasonable according to market and industry standards.

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