

Are you looking for the best Angular JS training institute in Noida? KASYFY provides Angular js Training in Noida with important jobs taught by skilled teachers. Our Angular JS training in Noida is tailored to students, undergraduates, graduates, professionals, and freelancers. KASYFY India offers end-to-end Angular Domain training, as well as deeper dives, to help you build a winning career for any profile.

Angular is a developer-created and maintained open-source framework. It is used by programmers to create web apps. Angular Training Courses in Delhi NCR provide not just the tools but also the design patterns needed to develop a project logically. When you design an Angular application correctly, you don’t wind up with twisted classes and methods that are difficult to alter and even more difficult to test. The code is well-organized, so you won’t have to spend much time trying to figure out what’s going on. And there’s a lot more than Angular has to offer! If you choose Angular’s Best IT & Technical Training.

Typescript is used to build Angular, which in turn relies on JS ES6. You won’t have to learn a completely new language, but you will be exposed to concepts such as static typing, interfaces, classes, namespaces, and decorators. Angular Training is designed to be rigorously tested, and it includes tools like Jasmine and Protractor to help with the unit and end-to-end testing.

Angular is mobile and desktop-ready technology, which means we can use the same framework for both mobile and desktop platforms. Angular is meticulously maintained, with a large community and environment. Enrolling in our Best Angular Course will provide you with a wealth of information on this framework as well as several important third-party tools. You already have a lot of tools with Best Angular Institute to start building the app right immediately. You may use directives to provide dynamic behavior to HTML components.

You may use Form Control to start the forms and add the different validation criteria that will be necessary. You’ll be able to send asynchronous HTTP requests of various forms with ease, and you’ll have no trouble setting up routing. If you need Angular Instruction in Noida, KASYFY the Best IT Training Institute in Noida will give you hands-on training in IT courses. Because we have real-time working trainers with higher expertise and qualifications in their sector.

In India, KASYFY is one of the best Angular Training institutions. At every step of their lives, we also provide 100% placement aid to our students. The institute’s previous brand value and name have been preserved. It provides the most comprehensive Angular Training in Noida.

Why Should You Enroll in Our Noida ANGULAR Training Course?

We place a premium on innovative concepts, high-quality training, smart classes, 100% employment help, and opening doors to new possibilities. Our ANGULAR Trainees work throughout the country. We, at KASYFY India, provide the No. 1 ANGULAR Course in Noida with a 100% placement rate. ANGULAR Course in Noida is taught by certified instructors who have trained over 10,000 students.

We place a premium on innovative concepts, high-quality training, smart classes, 100% employment help, and opening doors to new possibilities. Our ANGULAR Trainees work throughout the country. We, at KASYFY India, provide the No. 1 ANGULAR Course in Noida with a 100% placement rate. ANGULAR Course in Noida is taught by certified instructors who have trained over 10,000 students.

Course Objectives

  • Basic JavaScript
  • DOM and BOM
  • Intervals and Objects
  • Prototype ,Hoisting and Closure
  • Let , Const , Arrow , Class and Inheritance
  • Map, Filter , Reduce , Template Literals
  • ForEach, for-in, for-of loop.
  • Why Typescript
  • Basic Types
  • Class and Interfaces
  • Modules

Real-time environmental setup

  • What is Angular
  • What is SPA
  • Comparison between different versions
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Key features
  • Node /NPM
  • Angular CLI
  • Setup Project
  • Directory Structure
  • Code Editors
  • How Angular Application Boot
  • What is Module
  • Decorator
  • NgModule
  • Core Module
  • Bootstrapping
  • Shared Modules
  • Introduction to Components
  • Component Architecture Patterns
  • Metadata
  • State and Behaviors
  • Template Expression or Interpolation Data Binding (Event ,Property , Two Way)
  • *ngIf , *ngFor , *ngSwicth
  • Built-in Structural and Attributes Directive
  • Built-in Pipes
  • Custom Pipes
  • Routes , RouterModule , routerLink Child Routing
  • Params
  • Guards
  • Structured Directives
  • Attribute Directives
  • Template Driven
  • Reactive Form
  • Custom Validators
  • Observable vs Promise
  • Network Call
  • HTTP Request | Response
  • Introduction to Services
  • Building a Service
  • Dependency Injections
  • Injectors and Providers
  • Component LifeCycle
  • All LifeCycle Hooks
  • Local Storage
  • Session Storage
  • Cookies
  • @Input()
  • @Output() with EventEmitter
  • @Viewchid()
  • Shared Service
  • Subject
  • Introduction to Server-Side Rendering
  • Angular Universal
  • Introduction to Testing
  • Unit Testing with Karma and Jasmine
  • Angular Material
  • PrimeNG
  • Social Login
  • Pagination
  • Search
  • Filter
  • JWT Token
  • File Upload
  • Many More
  • Build Application
  • Deploy in Heroku

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Anybody with prior domain knowledge in respective fields can get into Angular.

Different payment options are available suiting your needs. We accept credit cards, debit cards cheque cash , netbanking, money wallets.

With tieup through our job consultancy firm, SkyJobs, we make sure each and every candidate in placed with a top tier firm.

With guaranteed results from last 17 Years, we make you stand out in the market with hands on knowledge and better understanding of current scenarios in the market, in turn helping your to automatically get placed with MNCs.

With approximate range between 2 to 3 months, there are more options like fast track training and online training options are also available. Fees is reasonable according to market and industry standards.

Training Highlights

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